Dickey Hazlewood joined the Powell Law Group team in 2016 as a firm consultant. Dickey has had an admirable and recognized career in the field of educational administration.
He has served as a campus administrator at all levels of public education, and completed his educational administrative career as superintendent of schools. He is recognized as an honorary lifetime member of the Texas Association of School Administrators.
B.S., Lamar University, 1984
M. Ed., Stephen F. Austin State University, 1996
M. Ed., Stephen F. Austin State University, 1996
Texas Professional Superintendent, Lamar University, 2005
Texas Professional Mid-Management, Stephen F. Austin University, 1996
Texas Professional Lifetime Teaching Certification, Lamar University, 1984
Texas Professional Mid-Management, Stephen F. Austin University, 1996
Texas Professional Lifetime Teaching Certification, Lamar University, 1984