Heather has a background in public education, marketing, and real estate. Heather enjoys training school boards and superintendents as a Registered Provider of continuing education when she’s not at the Capitol, the Texas Education Agency, and State Board of Education meetings and hearings lobbying for the Texas Rural Education Association and Texas Rural Broadband Coalition.
Heather was elected to the Eanes ISD School Board in May, 2019 and was re-elected to her second term in May, 2022. She has proudly served on the Eanes ISD executive committee as the Board’s secretary since 2021.Heather is the Board President of Texans Advocating for Meaningful Student Assessment (TAMSA) and she founded Eanes Advocates. Both TAMSA and Eanes Advocates are grassroots, parent led, community education and advocacy organizations. Heather has testified before the State Board of Education, as well as at Texas House and Senate hearings on dyslexia, special education, high-stakes testing, and public education in general. Heather has met with U.S. Senators and members of Congress while advocating for public schools in Washington D.C. She is a graduate of the Leadership TASB Class of 2022 and has been elected twice to serve on the Region 13 Legislative Advisory Council as well as on the TASB Board’s Legislative Advisory Committee.
She also serves on the Eanes ISD Legislative Committee. Heather won the 2019 Citizen of the Year award from the Westlake Chamber and is on the Westlake Chamber’s Board of Directors. She is on the Texas Land Title Association’s Legislative Committee and the Texas Land Title Association’s PAC Board. She also registers voters as a Travis County Volunteer Deputy Registrar. Heather enjoys volunteering with her daughter as a Patroness of the National Charity League and she is a Rotarian serving as President on the Board of the Austin Westlake Rotary Club. She is a sustaining member of the Junior League of Austin. Heather is a graduate of theUniversity of Miami (FL) and enjoys living in the Westlake area with her family and three dogs.